Friday, February 8, 2013

Craft Cigars

The more we smoke, the more refined our tastes become.  A well made cigar not only is full of flavor, but what makes it special, unique, and memorable is balance.  Anyone can make a super strong cigar, but that cigar would be about as memorable as leftover meatloaf.  Balance is the key, and blending a truly unique, cigar is an art!!  How is this done, well that is the sixty four thousand dollar question.  Years ago, as I met some associates, I was told to hand my guest a cigar, and take the band off.   I offered my guest this cigar, and he graciously accepted my offer, and we both lit up, talked baseball, the weather, music, cigars, and whatever else came to mind.  We relaxed, and enjoyed each other's company when my guest, not only told me what the name of the cigar was, but the different blends of tobacco used to make the cigar, as well as the year the different types of tobacco was grown........

At that point, thinking I was the cigar expert, I was humbled into realizing one can always learn something new.........  What do you all think?  Please let me know.........

Join Cigar Nation
Matthew Rosen

1 comment:

  1. We all have a lot to learn about this craft. Its not just a cigar, its an art. Good luck with your new cigar line.
